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Car Couture: BMW’s XM Mystique Allure Rolls Into Cannes

Car Couture: BMW’s XM Mystique Allure Rolls Into Cannes

Iconic supermodel Naomi Campbell is renown for making a dramatic entry wherever she is, but she might have met her match with the reveal of a specially tailored BMW XM SUV. Aptly named the Mystique Allure, it’s bedazzled in sequins and wrapped in a deep velvet exterior finish tempting touch. And that should be totally fine with Campbell, noting the vehicle was created as a one-of-a-kind fashionista on four wheels inspired by the supermodel herself.

Unveiling of purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure driving down catwalk at Cannes, draped under wraps

Unveiling of purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure driving down catwalk at Cannes, draped under wraps

Super model Naomi Campbell seated inside a purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure at Cannes unveiling

Designed as part of a red carpet reveal event at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, the BMW XM Mystique Allure could be considered a continuation and dramatic materialization of Campbell’s participation in the German auto brand’s 2023 “Dare to be You” BMW XM campaign. It sure made for a dramatic kickoff to the cinephile event.

Purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure suv parked in a simulated field of lavender.

Interior detail of a speaker grill inside the purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure suv.

Inspired by Naomi’s favorite color, the vehicle’s textured exterior finish evokes something more suited for a fashion runway, wearing a deeply saturated shade of Ultramarine accentuated by a matte finish. The effect befitting a couture collection covers surfaces inside and out.

Front crop photo of the purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure suv, with LED lighting framing grill section

Frozen metallic sequins strategically placed in sections like the BMW’s signature kidney grille add an additional element of movement and light, reflecting the BMW XM’s alluring violet to deep ultramarine combination.

Side driver side detail of purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure suv.

A memorable car isn’t just about looks, thus BMW tasked cinematic maestro Hans Zimmer to compose an “emotionally moving drive sound” for the electrified, avant-garde design inspired by and fashioned after the original supermodel.

Side view of purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure suv parked in a simulated field of lavender.

Front view of purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure suv parked in a simulated field of lavender.

Angled rear view of purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure suv parked in a simulated field of lavender.

“Witnessing BMW’s vision for the BMW XM Mystique Allure come to life has been truly incredible,” says Naomi Campbell. “I feel deeply honored to have sparked the inspiration for their first-ever high-fashion show car, which stands as a unique masterpiece in every aspect.”

Interior detail of driver and passenger seats inside the purple velvet and sequin adorned BMW XM Mystique Allure suv; top ceiling of interior cabin is draped in folds of fabric.

Check out this interior… this is what it sounds like when doves cry.

While the velvet and sequin hewn exterior of the BMW XM Mystique Allure is understandably intended only for this one-of-a-kind couture-inspired show car, we cannot be alone in holding hope BMW decides to bring Campbell’s signature hues as a delectable and dramatic interior upholstery option.

For more on the BMW XM Mystique Allure, visit

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