Nielsen Norman Group

Journey-Centric Design: The Evolution of UX-Design Operations for The Coming Era

Summary: Product-centric design does not leverage design’s potential for creating long-term business value and profitability. Journey-centric design can optimize customer experiences.

After collecting four case studies and speaking to leaders at 20 organizations, I’ve documented the next frontier of experience design — journey-centric design. This new method of structuring design work solves many of the challenges faced by UX and product professionals for decades.

Read on to discover journey-centric design. For detailed case studies and advice for preparing your company for the modern digital age, buy our premium research report, Architecting a Journey-Management Practice , or inquire about our consulting services.

Product-Centric Design Limits Innovation, Optimization, and Profitability

Organizations have traditionally operated in silos, with separate business departments working independently. This structure was effective in the past when customers interacted with brands in person and over the phone.

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