A new co-working space in Paris celebrates Modernist style, with two levels featuring a series of offices and lounge areas to support members. Designer Jordan Weisberg filled the interiors of the early 19th-century building with artistic touches, a nod to its location in Montmartre, a haven for creatives. Weisberg looked to a variety of sources […]
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While this may be an unpopular and perhaps brazen assertion, there is merit to working in-office. Communal work areas enhance social interaction and productivity, especially when there’s a shared sense of purpose among members. For some, working from home presents a new set of challenges or may even lead to resentments toward their formerly personal […]
Contrasting jewel-tones with supersaturate vibrant graphic patterns while panoramic grid windows conjure sculptural silhouettes from furnishings awash in sunlight to create an other-worldy atmosphere inside The Malin South Gulch opening in Nashville, Tennessee. The not-so-subtle alchemy of color, form, and scale, by Roísín Lafferty of her eponymous Dublin-based design house, makes for an amenitized, professional […]